Michelle Michaloski
Certified Life Coach


I'm Michelle and this is the story of my journey down a winding path that brought me back to where I started (The Alchemist anyone?)— supporting people to better understand themselves and live more fulfilling lives.
In high school, I was dubbed “Shelly the Shrink,” a term of endearment that was bestowed upon me after one too many session-like conversations with friends. My natural gifts and abilities were clear from the beginning—listening, asking powerful questions, reflecting back on what I’ve heard, and offering thoughtful insight with the ultimate goal of helping people come to a resolution or personal discovery.
My Story
When it came time to decide on a major in college, however, I did not lean into these strengths. Instead, I chose to major in History and minor in Anthropology because I was interested in studying people, cultures, and their impact on the world. From there, teaching seemed like the right move, but after some time in a Master's program, I decided it wasn’t the path for me.
I moved on.
Realizing that my motivation for teaching was coming from my desire to help people, students in this case, understand themselves better.
At this point, it might have made sense to pursue psychology, set myself up to work with people doing the work to better understand themselves, but I didn’t. I decided that my driving passion for helping might be best served in the healthcare field. I started working in an orthopedic clinic and helped people in a hands-on way (I have put hundreds of casts on wiggling 2-year olds!). I spent many years helping in this hands-on way before realizing that, while this satisfied my desire to help, it did not match the way I most enjoyed and am gifted in supporting people.
Sidebar. Throughout all these twists and turns, a dear friend of mine was building a successful life coaching business. I did sessions with her on and off, steadily creating profound shifts in my life. The work I was doing with my life coach was a crucial element to discovering more about what I truly wanted to pour my efforts into.
Eventually, my dear friend, who had a front-row seat to my life and a thorough understanding of my natural gifts and abilities, invited me to work with her, learn from her, and build and develop my coaching skills.
I loved every minute! I loved listening, I loved supporting people, and I loved witnessing people make progress.
I loved it so much that I decided to go through a certification program and become a Certified Life Coach.
So here I am, a Life Coach certified through an ICF accredited program (International Coaching Federation) with my own coaching business. I have landed, at last, on what I choose to pour my efforts into, and it turns out what I choose and what I love is supporting YOU!
I know firsthand the power and impact of taking the time to look at your fears and clear away the stuff that sits between where you are, and where you want to be and what you want to create. And, I know the absolute joy of creating what you want and living what you envisioned.
Now, I’m living my dream. Filling my life with my creativity and the things that I love, like travel, painting, singing, and writing. And, supporting people in the ways that I am naturally gifted in helping.
Now, I spend my time witnessing people come to amazing discoveries about who they are and create successes in their lives week after week. It is truly the joy of a lifetime for me to support people to flourish and watch them create successes and live their creativity, because when you are creating the life you envision, you are living your creativity!

I'm always excited to connect with people! Contact me with any questions, thoughts, request, etc. Let's Connect!