Michelle Michaloski
Certified Life Coach

Working with Me
My coaching philosophy is
all the answers you need are already within you, everything you need to know to get where you want to be is available to you.
This is a philosophy that is shared by the coaching program and the coaches whose methods I've learned from.
My role as a coach is to help bring those answers and that knowledge to the surface by guiding you to work through whatever is between where you are now and discovering the answers you need in order to get where you are going.
I approach our work together as a process of self-discovery, helping you to recognize and seize the opportunities for growth available to you as you work to achieve the goals you set out to accomplish. I'm not here to give advice or tell you what to do. Instead, my role as a coach is to listen, ask questions, and guide you toward the areas where you can create the most impactful growth for yourself.
You're in the driver's seat, and I'm here to help navigate.
My approach to coaching is:
To create a welcoming and safe space for you to talk through whatever is on your mind.
To listen to you with openness and acceptance and use my intuition to ask powerful questions that guide you to look at areas with the greatest opportunities for growth.
To know that the most important ingredient is that you show up invested in yourself and ready to work towards achieving your goals. If that's present, my coaching will act as a catalyst for your growth and progress toward a genuinely fulfilling life.
To hold the perspective that everything is connected. The session space is one where you can show up with whatever is on your mind, and in my view, it's connected to your goals. The value I bring is a consistent check-in with yourself and an outside perspective to guide you to think about and ask questions about things you might otherwise overlook.